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Journal = "Band-2",
Title= "Designing a Smart Farming Platform for Sustainable Decision Making",
Author= "obias Zimpel, Martin Riekert, Andrea Wild",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Smart farming platforms (SFP’s) for pig livestock farming are of increasingly relevance to increase sustainable decision making and enhancement of animal welfare. SFPs involve the whole supply chain and integrate various types of data measured, thus enable data-driven solutions using artificial intelligence. While there exists research about SFPs, issues concerning data governance of SFPs are still lacking. Against this backdrop, we develop a SFP for sustainable decision making with respect to data privacy and data security. Our SFP integrates 4 sensor data sources (e.g., temperature control system, and feeding stations), considers farmer characteristics (e.g., projects with pigs), and provides data-driven solutions (e.g., prediction of animal welfare indicators). We report on the current process situation in pig livestock farming as well as on our concept of SFPs for sustainable decision making. We also report on the evaluation of our SFP by validation against defined requirements during the deployment phase.
Keywords= "Smart Farming Platform, Livestock farming, Sustainable decision making, Animal welfare, Data Analytics",
obias Zimpel, Martin Riekert, Andrea Wild: Designing a Smart Farming Platform for Sustainable Decision Making. Online: (Abgerufen 12.03.25)
Open Access
Smart farming platforms (SFP’s) for pig livestock farming are of increasingly relevance to increase sustainable decision making and enhancement of animal welfare. SFPs involve the whole supply chain and integrate various types of data measured, thus enable data-driven solutions using artificial intelligence. While there exists research about SFPs, issues concerning data governance of SFPs are still lacking. Against this backdrop, we develop a SFP for sustainable decision making with respect to data privacy and data security. Our SFP integrates 4 sensor data sources (e.g., temperature control system, and feeding stations), considers farmer characteristics (e.g., projects with pigs), and provides data-driven solutions (e.g., prediction of animal welfare indicators). We report on the current process situation in pig livestock farming as well as on our concept of SFPs for sustainable decision making. We also report on the evaluation of our SFP by validation against defined requirements during the deployment phase.
Smart Farming Platform, Livestock farming, Sustainable decision making, Animal welfare, Data Analytics
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